Miyerkules, Hunyo 15, 2011

Lingaw Lingaw sa Tukuran Slideshow

Lingaw Lingaw sa Tukuran Slideshow: "TripAdvisor™ TripWow ★ Lingaw Lingaw sa Tukuran Slideshow ★ to . Stunning free travel slideshows on TripAdvisor"

Linggo, Mayo 22, 2011

Nursing Informatics in Asia

Heheheh this report I can relate to this coz I know that in asia specially in the Philippines they mostly don’t follow the trends in nursing informatics but not all hospital in the Phillippines . ok ok.
Basic Computer literacy education is now a part of nursing education in most Asian countries and graduate programs majoring in NI.
Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China,and, Thailand
In korea computers were not used in nursing education. Nursing informatics were usually tought in universities.
In japan healthcare delivery system in Japan provides easy access to healthcare.
In china According to 5th national census reported by the national bureau of statistics, the  population of china was almost 1.3 billion in 2000. Thailand NI was introduced as small special interest group and later expanded to the national level through the support of. Taiwan there were 610 hospitals and 175,000healthcare professionals in Taiwan in 2002, serving a population of 22.5 million.
Tahts all thankyou. Two more blogs to go….. J

Pacific Rim Chapter 39

I don’t know if this report was reported by our classmate coz I don’t know what is this. Hmmmm my head is aching help me… as much as I have learned that this pacific rim inlcudes the places here in the pacific. The AIM of this chapter is to provide an overview of these historical events, primarily from Australia and New Zealand, and to highlight critical success factors for the benefit of those who have yet to embark on such a journey.
      Health and Nursing Informatics in New Zealand   there were 32,687 active registered nurses and midwives working in nursing and, midwifery in New Zealand.
      Health and Nursing Informatics in Australia  nursing specialty and other organizations have developed and adopted practice standards, competencies, guidelines for curricula development, and various.
      Nursing Informatics in Hong Kong . Hong Kong nurses -organize regular educational activities, use a communication network, produce a regular newsletter, and are actively involve with Hong Kong society of Medical Informatics and the Hong Kong computer society.
      Nursing Informatics in Korea
A sig of Korea Society of Medical Informatics (KOSMI), the premier organization in Korea dedicated to the development and application of medical and health informatics in the support of patient care, education research and administration of healthcare arena in general.
That’s what ive learned in the report that I don’t know if it was reported by my classmate.

Nursing Informatics in Europe

I realy don’t know what to do today grrrr I have to update my blog but I have exam on the afternoon. Anyway I don’t know what is this  nursing informatics in europe is… huhuhuhu but anyway  lets start the nursing informatics in euprope has the main rational for implementing a greater use of information technology(IT) in the healthcare sector is to improve, saftey, quality, improve patients outcome, and reduce cost of healthcare.
That’s what I have learned about the nursing informatics in europe. That’s all thaknx L J

Biyernes, Mayo 20, 2011

Nursing Informatics in Canada Chapter 37

As much as I have ever know that The Canadian Nursing Informatics Association (CNIA) exists to help nurses across Canada to learn, share, research, and create informatics-related projects and experiences that can help to boost the competencies, theory, and practice of informatics on a national level. The CNA  also wrote this policy statement to highlight the importance of developing the nursing data components that will be included in our emerging national health information system. The CNA has also spearheaded an initiative, the National Nursing Informatics Project, to begin to develop a national consensus on definition, competencies, and educational strategies and priorities.
Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) has taken the position that registered nurses and other stakeholders in healthcare delivery require information on nursing practice and its relationship to client outcomes. They believe that RNs should advocate and lead implementing the collection, storage and retrieval of nursing data at the national level. The focus of NI in Canada is on the role of nursing within healthcare organizations. Canadian nurses integrate information from many diverse sources throughout the organization to provide patient care and to coordinate the patient’s contact with healthcare services and facilities.
They develop New Models of Care:
                                    1. patient-focused care
                                    2. hospitals without walls
The core functions of CIHI (Canadian Institute for Health Information, 2002) are to:
·         Identify and promote national health indicators
·         Coordinate and promote the development and maintenance of national health information standards Develop and manage health databases and registries
·         Conduct analysis and special studies and participate in research
·         Coordinate and conduct education sessions and conferences
The Canadian Advisory Council (CAC) on Health Informatics advises the Canadian Stands Association arm of Standards Council of Canada (SCC) on matters related to Health Informatics Standards.
CAC has a dual role:
 >First, to provide technical input to SCC on Health Informatics standards development in Canada 
      >Second, to provide feedback about the utility in Canada of ISO health informatics standards

Chapter 31: Decision Support for Consumers

This day was so boring they made me sick instead I am sleeping right now but grrr. Anyway I have to update this. What I have learned about the decision support for the consumer well definitely decision support for the consumer includes the;
·         Health-Related Decision Making this is challenging for patients for several key reason. First, decision-making itself is a complex, perceptual, cognitive, and social process.
·         Next, Second Health-Related Decision Making it is complicated because the substance of the problems and choices is itself complex and exceeds the knowledge and education of most layperson.
·         Another is the Finally Health-Related Decision Making it is complex because it generally involves more than a single person. Two key groups must be considered: the family members of the person facing a health crisis or in need of health information and the healthcare delivery team.
·         Health Care Decision Making it is challenging because it involves uncertainty, taxes human information processing capabilities, deals with subject matter that is unfamiliar to the involved person, and there are multiple constituencies that must be served.
·         Shared Decision-Making and Informed Choice Shared decision making is also known as relationship or collaboration decision making which empowers patients to choose among the options available to them in consultation with their clinician(s) using their personal values to frame the choice among alternatives.

There are Two Main Branches of Decision Theory this includes;
  Decision Analysis and,
  Normative Decision Theory
In decision analysis it helps in choosing one course of action from several when the most desired strategy depends, in part, on the knowledge of the costs, benefits, and probabilities of the resolution of the outcomes of that strategy.

That’s all folks… LJ


Well I’m back hehehee how are you there I hope you’ve learned from my blog because I really understand what am I trying to share with you. But anyway going back with the topic consumer and patient use of computers for health. Well nowadays computer have been in touch on us since it was made. Moreover, not only nurses who used this computers but also with their clients. Why are they keeping on using this computer? Well the answer is by the use of the use “internet”, it is fast, anonymous, & always available.

The health care organization offers their communities a public Web site. Includes health articles developed by their own professional experts, or licensed from vendors. For example the Mayo Clinic - mayoclinic.com this provides a wealth of health information and tools. Pharmaceutical firms, drugstore chains & durable medical equipment.
This was also made the decision support that made available for the consumers. In DISEASE MANAGEMENT technological support for joint patient-provider collaboration in disease management is a promising application area.
There 8 PRINCIPLES in consumer and patient use of computer for health this would include;

1.  Authority
2. Complementarities
3. Confidentiality
4. Attribution
5. Justifiability
6. Transparency of authorship
7. Transparency of sponsorship
8. Honesty in advertising & editorial policy
Persons with low literacy – have low health literacy, because so much of medical terminology is dense and complex. Consumer-friendly terminologies – assist consumer with finding, understanding, and recording health-related material
Although not all of us can knows how to use this computer specially the elders so they made this special consideration namely;
1. Lay versus professional nomenclature
2. General literacy and health literacy
3. Computer literacy and the digital divide
4. Accessibility to persons with disabilities
5. User-centered design

Huwebes, Mayo 19, 2011

ChapteR 26 the VenDor AppLiCatIon

Today Carl reported about the vendor application upon reading the slides my god I can’t see the projected slide because it was too small and in fact I don’t know if there was a lesson to learn, there are wide variety of software products offered by an array of diverse vendors that nurses use to plan, document, manage, and evaluate patient care.

It is an applications focus on a discrete set of nursing functions.

This system addresses a more comprehensive set of functions for a single point of service. Departmental systems are more targeted and robust than comparable modules of EHR solutions since departmental systems focus one or a few specialties and points of service.
 Niche and departmental systems complement EHRs where they exist and share data with them via industry standard data exchange technologies. Vendor applications address the needs of all care providers for more coordinated, streamlined patient care delivery.

It creates a multidisciplinary, longitudinal, and patient-centric record. HCIT vendor applications are looking into the philosophy of nursing, key differentiators, and vision while uncompromising functionality.

The vendor applications are desirable applications that the nursing industry will surely make use of. The unique integration of its use in EHR.
BCMA or the bar-code-enabled medication administration it shows intense dedication to accurate point-of-care in clients.
So much for that I hope I pass the axam.... huhuhuh :]

ChaPter 25 Informatics Solutions for Emergency Preparedness and Response

The next topic was reported by Mr Arao about Emergency Preparedness and Response utilizing Nursing informatics. It is particularly more about the steps that US took to avoid the horrifying events that took place in 9/11 and then later coupled with anthrax outbreaks and threats the shook them. The government agencies took expedient actions to address the upcoming chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives (CBRNE) threats of WMD.

Three of the units focus on emergency planning and response:

   1. CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
   2. AHRQ - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
   3. HRSA - Health Resources and Services Administration

Each of this organization had to work out for the emergency preparedness this organization had streamlined initiatives that would act to inhibit such bioterrorism
Health Resources and Services Administration has two grant management programs these are, National Bioterrorist Hospital Preparedness Program and Bioterrorism Training and Curriculum Development (BTCD) Program. My head is shaking grrrrr that’s what I have learned in the report of Mr. Arao.