Huwebes, Mayo 19, 2011

ChaPter 25 Informatics Solutions for Emergency Preparedness and Response

The next topic was reported by Mr Arao about Emergency Preparedness and Response utilizing Nursing informatics. It is particularly more about the steps that US took to avoid the horrifying events that took place in 9/11 and then later coupled with anthrax outbreaks and threats the shook them. The government agencies took expedient actions to address the upcoming chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives (CBRNE) threats of WMD.

Three of the units focus on emergency planning and response:

   1. CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
   2. AHRQ - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
   3. HRSA - Health Resources and Services Administration

Each of this organization had to work out for the emergency preparedness this organization had streamlined initiatives that would act to inhibit such bioterrorism
Health Resources and Services Administration has two grant management programs these are, National Bioterrorist Hospital Preparedness Program and Bioterrorism Training and Curriculum Development (BTCD) Program. My head is shaking grrrrr that’s what I have learned in the report of Mr. Arao.

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