Huwebes, Mayo 19, 2011

“Internet Tools for Advanced Nursing Practice” ChaPter 24 !!!!

The next topic to remember is The Internet Tools for Advanced Nursing Practice..... I learned that Spint is the commercial pioneer of fixed wireless broadband technology. Hence it provides geographical mobility up to 35 miles. Both wireless and fixed wireless talk/internet time is usually limited to about 5-6 hours with standby time up to 1 week. A wireless application permits Internet connectivity. It also allows for Web-based clinical decision support, patient and clinician e-mail communication, and point-of-care electronic health record data entry, data sharing, and messaging, including prescription writing.
Yes many tools that help nurses and medical teams. They barely rely on this kind of tools and it safe for them. Such as for example the wireless connection.

Yes it is true that Wireless technology is electromagnetically safe. And also, Bluetooth radio technology that nowadays trend, on which wireless devices rely was found to be safe and robust even within intensive care environments.
As much that we know that the internet is increasingly an important adjunct to safe practice. The number of practical tools available on the Internet increases each year.

In retrieving some information we can retrieve it through the internet but retrieval cannot solely depend on the book marking of Web pages. They change as Web editors and designers add new information and tools.

Clinical information obtained from governmental domains is likely to be less biased than information obtained from commercial sites. The credibility of content from educational Web sites varies and is likely to be directly related to the academic quality of the university the Web site represents.
 There is a vast difference in quality among commercial Web sites. It is therefore incumbent on the clinician to evaluate the credibility of the information obtained.  
Thank you....

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