Huwebes, Abril 21, 2011

The Second Day of our Class

The second day of our class we had a reporting on such different topic. My classmates report about the hardware, software and open source software. The reporters should finished all those topic and in the next day we had our quiz on the three chapters.

You know what it was very difficult to adopt to such way our instructor will give quizes but unfortunately I know how are teacher give quizes.

Nursing Informatics is a tough subject but i know that we can pass this subject if we passed those quizes and exams.

By this Nursing Informatics I know what that hardware is. So let me tell you a simple recap on the discussion of my classmate about this computer hardware. definitely a computer hardware is define as all the physical component of the machine itself. The first digital computer called the " COLOSSUS MARK I was build in 1943. The first generation computers uses a vacuum tubes as a design, but then they found out that this vacuum tubes get hot faster and it is physically huge. By lots of inventions the develop this second generation computer where the uses transistors unlike vacuum tubes they wont get heat faster. So on the develop the third generation computers where they use micro-miniature and solid state components. There are 3 classes of computer the analog computer which operates on continuous physical or electrical magnitudes, measuring, ongoing continuous analog quantities such as voltage, current, temperature and pressure, next is the digital computer which operates on discrete discontinuous numerical digits using the binary numbering system. third one is the hybrid computers it contains both the analog and hybrid computers.

There are types of computers the supercomputer, mainframe, microcomputer or personal computer and the hand held computer.

The main topic for this hardware is all about the CPU ( central processing unit ), motherboard, memory, input and outpout device such as mouse, keyboard and etc. storage davices like a hardisk.


So a software definiltly a software is the general term applied to the instructions that direct the computer's hardware to perform work. Software is what you install in the hardware.My classmates or shall I say the reporter report about the types of software so there are three types of software; the system software which controls the input and output as well as the storage and controls the operations of the applications of the software, application software is other type of software that includes the various programs that users require to perform day-to-day task, then last type of software is the utility programs this is what we call as the antivirus programs and etc.

There are lots of things and ideas in the report that you get.


If we talk about open source software and free software it comes in to our mind that is free. Yes it is free thus as we identify whats that open source software and free software is let me tell you a small identification for that.

An OSS or open source software is computer software that is available in source code form for which the source code and certain other rights normally reserved for copyright holders are provided under a software license that permits users to study, change, improve and at times also to distribute the software. While tha free software is software that can be used, studied, and modified without restriction, and which can be copied and redistributed in modified or unmodified form either without restriction, or with minimal restrictions only to ensure that further recipients can also do these things and that manufacturers of consumer-facing hardware allow user modifications to their hardware.

Thats the end of the the first three chapter reporting done by our classmates.

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