Martes, Abril 26, 2011


         Hi There followers im back!!!!!!!
           We are going to tacle about internet as a nursing resource. We all know that internet had a great help for nurses, we nurses we often rely on the internet for some basic purposes. We surf in the intrnet for a reseach thats the great help for internet.

In 1957 Russian launch sputnik, the result was the creation of Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) by President Eisenhower. Packet Switching- devised system result of dividing message into smaller pieces, each individually addressed, invented by Paul Barran.
The internet's DNS permits as to give globally unique "names" to networks and computer.
Easier to remember than longs string of no.
Allows for a change of physical location that is transparent to the user.

The internet had over 109 million host in 230 countries as released by the INTERENET SOFTWARE CONSORTIUM in March 15, 2001 from data during January 2001.

There are many uses of internet, with internet we can send E-mails and by emails we can attached some imoticons, we can transfer a file if we can transfer a file we can also attach files using the browser.

Using a word wide web ( WWW ) it allows as to received, interpret, and send to a client computer the request file. WWW was invented by Tim Berners-lee.

Thats all for today see my post on the other day see yahhhh........

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